Aug 30, 2010

The Bucduke goes (back) to College

Thirty five years ago, the Bucduke took his 4.0 GPA from UC Davis and gracefully left college never to return again, until now. That's right, I just listened to the Bucduke negotiate payment for his college tuition - that means he's committed. This afternoon we're headed to Walmart to do some back to school shopping to really seal the deal.

Our local university, Kaua'i Community College, is now offering a solution to the world's food crisis in the form of a Sustainable Gardening and Farming course. This 15 week course meets once a week on Thursdays, a perfect way for the Bucduke to ease back into the institutionalized learning process. The Bucduke, aka Mr. Green Jeans, will be learning from some of the islands experts, and implementing these sustainable principles on this little slice of heaven we call 'The Range.'

Aug 29, 2010

Andrew & Lauren's Visit

The great Kurtastrophe played matchmaker, hooking us up with some friends from the mainland on their cross country (in its truest form) journey. They ventured deep into Kalalau on their visit to the Garden Island and it's not clear whether they preferred it there, or here:

“Still, despite all of the things we have done this summer, the most unexpectedly wonderful part was staying with you. The beauty of your home and property were only exceeded by your warmth and generosity. Lauren and I felt truly at home there and are so thankful for all of your hospitality. Good luck with the work on the house and we look forward to meeting up with you all again sometime in the future.
-Andrew and Lauren

We look forward to your next visit, nice getting to know you guys.

The Range '10

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Sep 28, 2009

Sanctuary is growing like the Garden

We've got a hat. The water-tight roof is a ways away but we can take refuge underneath the big top. Major rainstorms can beat camp up pretty good. It's a bit freaky. But, I'm not going to move in yet. Too much work to move camp up there. And at this point we would just be "In the Way."

It's time again to take a breather. Heading home to see my woman. She's selling off everything. We had a long range plan of attack, however, I got the feeling she moved the time line up a bit when Escrow papers arrived in the mail for my review. She sold mom's house. I'm afraid ours is next. I'm ready though! The Grove and Garden are producing way too much for me and the new guy "Jasper" to consume. Sanctuary is calling out. Come back everyone.

Aug 12, 2009

Major Milestone

You know those 'major' milestones. They're few and far between, but Blake, Lauren and I just hit one. Yo baby! We're at the top. To the lid it's solid with mud. That was a major, "Puff Up the Chest" kind of physical accomplishment. Last block was set, we waisted no time getting the walls poured........and then we left to go to a wedding. And what a good wedding it was! Only now, as I return alone do I fully appreciate what we've done. Took an idea, complicated the hell out of it by getting artistically round, overcame that foolishness like "Mac-Guyver" would.......... and Hey! We're there boys and girls. F#@*-in eh! I love and respect my building partners.

However, we're not done. It's only the middle of the project. We've got some more orchard nursing to do. These trees are still adolescent. They're healthy but they need our love to survive. And we're at the roof stage on the house. The make it or break it phase. We have to establish the posture of this house with it's roof. It's all about the hat! We'll be stylin' if we pull that look together. It's going to take some thinkin' so as Blake says, "let's get mental." I can't do it without you. Come back. Come back.

Jul 12, 2009

Polihale Beach Camping

Polihale Beach resides just south of the dramatic Na Pali coastline, where begins a seemingly infinite stretch of fine, white sand and gradated green/blue/purple sea. This is why/where, we decided to go camping for the weekend. Along with our travel companions (Joseph, Annalee & Tigerlilly) we departed Friday afternoon.

Polihale is effectively, the furthest away that one can travel from the Range and still be on the island. Although Polihale is only 60 miles away, do not be mislead, we're talking island miles. What would be at most an hour jaunt on your local interstate, becomes a nearly 2 hour journey - or if you consider the dynamic scenery, more of a sightseeing tour.

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Not to mention (although I'm about to mention it) our stops at Walmart & Costco which are surprisingly hectic at all times for such a small & laid back island. I guess the only thing laid back about these places are the people that work there - contributing to delays in line, but that's island style bra.

We arrived to catch the last glimpse of light of the sun setting (over the water - now that we're on the west coast). The following picture was taken whilst still unloading, let's call it Exhibit A:

(ain't she a beaut'?)

We quickly set up camp, made dinner, attempted to use the 4WD on the VW Synchro only to find that the sticker on the side is really not much more than a sticker (sorry Bucduke, still an excellent ride) - and finally relaxed, which is really what camping should be about right? This was unfortunately a fleeting period of relaxation, quickly interrupted by a series of bright lights and revved engines approaching the camp site. Within minutes, we realized we had posted up next to the entrance to...the beach. Apparently Polihale beach, known for it's serenity during the day, transforms into the strip on Friday night. Locals come out to show off their rides to their underage passengers, bump Madonna's newest single (which, not surprisingly, incites a rave), break bottles and curse & scream for no apparent reason. This event, (which I like to call the 'ICE'capades) lasts until sunrise on Saturday morning; slowly descending from all out rave party to a "where should I throw up" and "it's cool, I know I'm young but my last boyfriend was 21" party.

The result for us naive campers was a restless night. As the next day unfolded we ventured to the beach, encountering fresh tire tracks and avoiding the vampire-esque ravers as they escaped the suns harmful rays and B-lined it home. The morning was gorgeous, the water was warm and reviving, and the scenery even better than I had imagined. And then it rained - off and on - all day. So we left, cutting short our camping trip mostly out of fear, of what may happen after the sun went down.

We made it home by sunset and it was eerily quiet & dark (with the exception of moonlight) all night long. This prompts the question: why did we leave? Exhibit B:

Jul 3, 2009

Pictures from the Range

Hint: Click to go to album.